Adding one simple and well-known product to your daily diet can really help you to turn back time! No promises.
So, how does the "Youth and Beauty Elixir" work?
2. Take five small bottles.
3. Put one tablespoon of rice (any type of rice you like) in each bottle, add some water to the rice and put it in the fridge.
4. Leave rice covered in the fridge for five days.
5. The 6th day take one bottle with rice, cook for a few minutes and eat.
6. Fill the empty bottle with tablespoon of rice and water. Newly filled bottles go to the back of the line in the fridge.
7. No food, no drinks, no cigarettes after taking rice. 30 minutes!
P.S. It is a good and healthy way to start your day - you help your body to deal with daily stress, remove toxins, prevent stomach problems and keep your skin clean (it DOES work, I promise. Just be patient, keep on doing this and after ONE month you will start to see the results).
Simple, isn't it?
PhotoSource: thedailygreen